SEL: The Wolf in the Classroom “Stolen Innocence”

The following websites are provided for your perusal. They are broken down into categories so that the readers can receive a first hand account of the evil being perpetrated on our children in the public and some private schools. There will be more to come!

Steps you can take to combat SEL in your school

Steps to take by those who do not have students in school

Top Reasons to Exit Public Schools – There are countless reasons for parents to immediately protect their children from government schools, as quickly as possible. Click for the top 20 reasons




CASEL (SEL) in Texas Schools

EXCELLENT: The Triple Threat to Our Children in the Public Schools:

“They’re teaching kids how to be racist” – why social-emotional learning is MORE DANGEROUS than CRT:

Why is SEL so dangerous?:

All About the NEW SEL Agenda. And How Schools Deny CRT:

Virginia teacher resigns over critical race theory in emotional speech:


Bombshell report reveals blue states used COVID relief to fund CRT:

How middle schools use aggressive surveys to indoctrinate teachers and coerce them to push the LGBT agenda on students:

Seven books that show NYC is pushing transgenderism, LGBTQ+ curriculum to kids as young as kindergarten

New York City’s Department of Education has a series of book recommendations focusing on transgender children


NSBA letter drafts called for National Guard and military to be deployed

NSBA letter drafts called for National Guard and military to be deployed NSBA letter to Biden, which called protesting parents ‘domestic terrorists,’ more extreme in its early stages


Austin elementary school holds Pride parade, instructs students not to reveal what is said in ‘community circles’ “Respect privacy: ‘What we say in this room stays in this room,'” guidance initially read.


Books Found in School Libraries of an inappropriate sexual nature



Problems with SEL

Danger of SEL in Texas

Beware of SEL

SEL is Abuse

SEL is Indoctrination Excellent overview

Beware of SEL Buddism. What parents can do about SEL           


Marxism. SEL is CRT

Troubling origins of SEL  Satanic (start at 10:30)

SEL is Occultism and Indoctrination

Blue States using COVID money to push CRT

Concerned parents of Texas, the Big Decisions sex ed program, which AISD uses for its middle and high schoolers, an evaluation of the program based on the 15 harmful elements of CSE


(Warning: Sexually Explicit Material:)

California Pushes K-12 Sex Ed Indoctrination That Will Blow Your Mind 

Glenn Beck  Project Groomer

STOP Comprehensive Sexual Education

The war on children. CSE  Agenda Full Version

The war on Children CSE  Short Version

CSE why it is Important.   (Propaganda)

Why do we need access to CSE.    (Propaganda)

CSE Grooming kids

CASEL and SEL Websites

Origen of CASEL and SEL

Educational Psychologist. Transformative Social and Emotional Learning (SEL): Toward SEL in Service of Educational Equity and Excellence

CASEL Supporters

CASEL Sponsors

How SEL is used to implement Critical Race Theory (CRT)

Money Maker

SEL in Texas

Equity & Social and Emotional Learning: A Cultural Analysis


Transformative SEL CASEL is committed to advancing equity and excellence in education through social and emotional learning (SEL)

What is Leader in Me?

COMMON CORE DIVA informing and fighting back against education overreaches to save hearts and souls

What Is Social and Emotional Learning?

New Study Finds Multiple Problems with Push for Social-Emotional Learning in K-12 Education

CDC – Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)

CA Health Education Framework

A good sight for SEL and CASEL


Gyorgy Lukacs CSE

Get Real: Comprehensive Sex Education that Works

Texas Mass Resistance

Unbelievable: Austin, Texas, Elementary School librarian is a BDSM “Leatherman” by night. Invited convicted male prostitute Drag Queen to read to schoolchildren


CSE in Tx

Wait, What?: A Comic Book Guide to Relationships, Bodies, and Growing Up


Occult Roots of “Social-Emotional Learning”

Social-Emotional Learning: The Dark Side

Mindfulness Meditation in Schools Adverse Effects

Beware of SEL Buddism. What parents can do about SEL. Mindfulness

No Sustainability without Spirituality

The Collaborative for Spirituality in Education

Creating Safe and Welcoming Schools

Gyorgy Lukacs CSE

CASEL (SEL) in Texas Schools:

El Paso schools using yoga to help with social, emotional learning

Texas Education Agency – SEL

Texas Education Agency – Social Emotional Learning

TEA: Building Skills Related to Managing Emotions, Establishing and Maintaining Positive Relationships, and Responsible Decision-Making


SEL page on Hays Website

SEL Site

SEL in San Marcos

SEL in San Marcos

SEL in Dripping Springs

SEL in Austin

SEL in Austin

SEL in Forney

What steps can be taken to combat SEL in your school?:

1. Talk to your Child about what is happening in the classroom.

2. Visit with your child’s teacher or teachers. Don’t be afraid to be firm but respectful

3. If your questions are not answered then talk to the Principle, followed by a visit to the Superintendent if not satisfied.

4. If you still do not receive satisfaction, contact the School Board and get on their agenda to air your grievances.

5. Tell other parents as to what you have learned, and share websites that they can go to and see for themselves.

6. Write a letter or send an email to the Texas Educational Association. Use the CIT site for information on TEA.


What steps can be taken by those who do not have students in school?:

1. Keep up with changing events through the CIT Site.

2. Tell friends and neighbors about SEL and CSE.

3. Fill out freedom of information act (FOIA) forms for the school district in your area.

4. Attend school board meetings, or use the internet to see their agenda and minutes of the meetings.

5. Vote and RUN for the school board in your district.

6. Join groups such as “mass resistance” to get the word out.


Other Measures to be Taken

1. Contact your State Representatives both Senate and House.

2. Encourage your Representatives to Introduce and Pass “School Choice” Bills with Tax Credits.

3. Get your local churches involved. After all, we are supposed to be the “Salt and Light”.

4. Consider Home Schooling or “Classic Christian Education” school