We should have an impact on the culture in which we find ourselves. However, some believers would draw a line at politics. Yet, in America, we have the unique opportunity to choose who will govern us. We are also free to speak out on issues that affect our daily lives. To do so, we need to be informed.

Does the Church have a responsibility to play a role in American society including politics? Or should it withdraw from public proclamations and endorsements of issues affecting daily life? This question has proved to be a difficult one to answer. We know that Jesus wanted us to interact with those around us and to be salt and light to the world. Jesus instructed His followers to be salt and light in their culture Matt. 5:13-16. Jesus also commanded us to “make disciples of all nations,… teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” (Matt. 28:19-20) Therefore we should speak out on issues of the day, teaching what is Biblically right and pointing out the sinfulness of activities that violate God’s Law. Silence in the face of evil is not an option. While we still live in a country where we have the opportunity to address these evils, we should take full advantage. There are many ways to obey Jesus’ commands regarding this, but in particular, consider these: register to vote and encourage others to do the same, consider His values when voting, and pray for our nation and for the election of Godly leaders.
The “Family Research Council” (FRC), has made available, through their “Watchmen on the Wall” site, an excellent program to get your church involved in participating in the election process, being informed on candidates and issues, and having a Biblical impact on their local culture. The Program encourages forming a Cultural Impact Team (CIT) that will inform the congregation about the previously mentioned goals. The cost expended is nominal, entailing the purchase of start-up materials. There are follow-up materials that can be purchased if that is your choice. This is a non-sectarian program and all Churches are welcome.
We, as Christians, should be leading and guiding the culture, not following it.
For more on this topic, go to Should Christians be involved in Government?
Jesus also commanded us to “make disciples of all nations,… teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” Matt. 28:19-20 Therefore we should speak out on issues of the day. Teaching what is Biblically right and pointing out the sinfullness of activities that violate God’s Law. Silence in the face of evil is not an option. While we still live in a country where we have the opportunity to address these evils, we should take full advantage. There are many ways to obey Jesus’ commands regarding this, but in particular, consider these: register to vote and encourage others to do the same, consider His values when voting, and pray for our nation and for the election of Godly leaders.
The “Family Research Council” (FRC), has made available, through their “Watchmen on the Wall” site, an excellent program to get your church involved in participating in the election process, being informed on candidates and issues, and having a Biblical impact on their local culture. The Program encourages forming a Cultural Impact Team (CIT) that will inform the congregation, pertaining to the previously mentioned goals. The cost expended is nominal, entailing the purchase of start-up materials. There are follow-up materials that can be purchased if that is your choice. This is a non-sectarian program and all Churches are welcome.
If you are interested and would like further information, please contact:
Jim Davis
CIT Chairman
Grace Bible Church, San Marcos, TX
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